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Belonging to a club, Being a leader of a group, Listening to music, Working out/exercising, Visiting with friends, Cooking




Relationship Status

Single Parent


Black/African descent



Type of Home


Type of neighbourhood



First Name


Last Name


United States


Eye Color


Hair Color

Dark Brown




Graduate degree






Social drinker


Belonging to a club, Being a leader of a group, Listening to music, Working out/exercising, Visiting with friends, Cooking





Do you have kids?


How many kids do you have?


How old are they?

Do they live with you?

Tell us about your children. What do they like to do for fun?







Resident Country

United States


Eye Color


Hair Color

Dark Brown




Black/African descent


Graduate degree


Belonging to a club, Being a leader of a group, Listening to music, Working out/exercising, Visiting with friends, Cooking





Type of home


Type of Neighbourhood



Resident Country


Eye Color

Hair Color







Type of Home

Type of Neighbourhood




Jane Fonda

Animal or Pet

dog and fish


Mary Kay Andrews

Bedtime story

The Night Before Christmas

Beverage / Drink



Oh The Places You'll Go

Candy Bar

Nestle Crunch

Childhood Memory

Using my grandmother's tape recorder to record made up stories with twin sister and cousins.




apple dumpling

Disney Movie




I have it. Public radio show host!

Family Activity

roller skating is fun with my cousins




Calla Lily




No Data

No Data


stamp collecting


No Data

No Data




Stevie Wonder's Higher Ground

Sport to play

kickball and golf


Sport to watch

No Data

No Data

Sport to watch



Reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve under the tree, New Year's Day brunch with friends

Reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve under the tree, New Year's Day brunch with friends

Things to cook

pie, apple dumplings, lasagna, macaroni and cheese

TV show

I Love Lucy






Jane Fonda


dog and fish


Mary Kay Andrews

Bedtime story

The Night Before Christmas

Beverage / Drink



Oh The Places You'll Go

Candy Bar

Nestle Crunch

Childhood Memory

Using my grandmother's tape recorder to record made up stories with twin sister and cousins.




apple dumpling

Disney Movie


Dream Car

Dream Job

I have it. Public radio show host!

Dream Vacation

Martha's Vineyard in a dream house with a personal chef to prepare delicious meals

Family Activity

roller skating is fun with my cousins




Calla Lily




stamp collecting




Stevie Wonder's Higher Ground

Sport to play

kickball and golf

sport to Watch


Things to cook:

pie, apple dumplings, lasagna, macaroni and cheese

Favorite Traditions

Reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve under the tree, New Year's Day brunch with friends

TV show

I Love Lucy






Bedtime story

Beverage / Drink


Candy Bar

Childhood Memory



Disney Movie

Dream Car

Dream Job

Dream Vacation

Family Activity







Sport to play

sport to Watch

Things to cook:

Favorite Traditions

TV show




I don’t know if you have ever felt this way.


I decided one year to cook an authentic Thanksgiving meal for my three nieces. Of course the rest of the family would get to eat, but this completely home cooked from scratch experience was specifically for the girls. I wanted them to have their great grandmother’s homemade sweet potato pie so I made the crust from scratch. Any other time I might take the easy road and buy a crust, but not this time. I also wanted them to have their grandmother’s (my mom’s) homemade cornbread dressing. I made it from scratch. Everything was made from scratch. I made my candied yams and fresh collard greens. As I was doing all of this cooking I could feel the love of the women in my family who are not here anymore and who are. It was a beautiful experience, but deep down in my soul I felt a twinge of sadness. I wanted to be making the meal for my child. I wanted to pass on the traditions to her. Somehow it just didn’t feel complete. There are rainy Saturday’s that I will wake up and feel like making my mother’s soup from scratch with the homemade bread that I grew up on. I have done it, but again, I always say to myself “one day I will make this for my child.” I can feel a tingly sensation after I say that. It’s the feeling of anticipation and excitement like I used to feel as a kid on Christmas Eve.


Perhaps you have felt some version of this just like me.


What I look forward to as a mother is sharing lots of love and tradition coming straight from my kitchen. My Godson is a skinny little toddler and I am always trying to fatten him up with homemade goodies from my kitchen.


I also love to experience and share culture thanks to my mother who was a librarian. I love lazy Saturday trips to the library to look through the stacks. As a teen I worked at the library shelving books and reading to kids.


I love museums and every vacation involves soaking up the local history and art. I have enjoyed Native American tours and pow wows. That is a part of my ancestral background as well so I enjoy experiencing it.


My child will be exposed to everything. That is how I was raised. As a child my twin sister and I had dance classes, ice skating lessons, soccer, kickball, basketball, swimming lessons, vacation Bible school, summer reading challenges, cello lessons, trips to the opera and ballet. We got to experience the world through food. Every Sunday my mother would cook a meal from a different country. She would pull out her cookbooks and get to work. We learned about the world through her cooking. I am definitely a well-rounded woman because of that upbringing. I will do the same for my child.


There is also nothing more special than a quiet walk on the nature trail by my house. I usually just walk and listen to what I hear from the sounds of birds to the water gently moving. I smell the freshly cut grass and observe what I see. It’s a great way to care for myself. And I look forward to sharing that with my child.


I am a public radio nerd with NPR being the sound track of my childhood growing up. PBS was always on TV too. I’m grateful that I get to work in that industry as a grown woman. I am a lifelong learner and love the values of public media. I am an executive producer and host of a public radio newsmagazine. I’m doing my dream job. I love education as well. I am proud to have earned a Master’s Degree at the start of my career.


I love birds and fish and have had them as pets. I fondly remember my parakeet “Beamer.” One day my sister and I were on our way to work our summer college jobs at IBM. As we got out of the car we noticed a parakeet who walked right up to us! We wondered how he could be outside. He was probably abandoned. We put him in a box and had my mother take him home. Later we got him a cage and all the luxury bird things he needed. We named him Beamer as that is what employees of IBM were called. He was very human and we were most tickled when Beamer would watch us eat and suddenly join us by eating his birdseed as we ate our dinner! After he passed away my mother put him in the freezer in the basement until we came home from college that spring and we buried him in the yard. My heart can’t deal with another parakeet yet.


I also love dogs. I don’t currently have one living with me, but I’m an aunt to several friends’ dogs.


My IVF journey started after prayer and breathing in a healthy dose of courage. I am a woman that was waiting for “Mr. Right” to sweep me off my feet and put a ring on it. Of course a baby would follow. The fantasy has not lived up to reality. While I believe a wonderful man will come one day, for now I am fulfilled living single. But I am not fulfilled living childless. It is amazing that today women can go on and start a family without “Mr. Right.” I have a dear sorority sister of mine who recently welcomed a child through IVF. She is a successful career woman like me and is doing an amazing job of motherhood. She is a support system for me. My twin sister is also part of my support system. My brother and his wife and my three nieces cannot wait to help me with “the baby.” We are a mighty group of loving people who are committed to raising this child with love. My Godson can’t wait to have a sister or brother. He is an only child who has two loving parents who will be God mother and God father to my child.


I have had two rounds of IVF. The first time I got pregnant, but a miscarriage happened very early. The second time I did not get pregnant. While my heart is broken, my resolve is not. I am having a baby. I would not have started this journey in faith if I did not trust that the outcome would be successful. It will be. I just know it.


October 4, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

The purpose of this letter is to provide a character reference for Ms. [Her name] whom I have known my entire life. [Her name] is not only my twin sister but is also my best friend.

[Her name] is the oldest, by 7 minutes, of three children of [names of the parents]. Our home was one in which we were encouraged to be curious about the world and communities around us. While higher education was emphasized, we were also challenged to learn outside of the classroom by reading different genres, exploring various cuisines, and connecting with people from cultures different than ours. Our parents raised us with high ethical and moral standards and instilled a strong sense of what fairness looks like in reality. [Her name] has a strong relationship with God and her faith extends beyond weekly worship service.

The woman that [Her name] is today is a result of what [parent' names] poured in but also what she worked hard to bring out. [Her name] is an extremely loving, kind, considerate and generous woman. She is the type of friend who will always physically and emotionally show up for the people in her life. As a natural extrovert she brings with her a rush of positive energy and vitality into any room she enters. She smiles and the world around her lights up.

Unlike many people, she actually knew what she wanted to do at a very young age. I remember running around our maternal Grandmother’s house recording our very own radio story. She knew we needed great ambient sounds to make our story great, so we flushed toilets, slammed doors, and recorded our footsteps on the kitchen floor. Now many years later [Her name] is the Host and Executive Producer of a weekly radio magazine that she created for [State]. Prior to this, her voice was heard in the homes and cars of thousands of people across [State] as she brought the top news stories. She is a naturally curious, brave, and inquisitive person. These are beneficial qualities in her career but also endears her to many in her personal life. She makes people feel comfortable, “seen” and heard.

[Her name] is an amazing Godmother to baby C, “Auntie” to our three nieces and showers love upon the other children in her life. One of her greatest desires is to become a mother herself where she can love and nurture her own child. Motherhood is something that [Her name] is quite prepared for as she has the maturity, patience and gentleness that is required to rear healthy children. Additionally, her career and professional life is successful, stable, and financially secure. My prayer is that you will consider [Her name] for this adoption especially after having the opportunity to glimpse who she is as a woman.



October 3, 2023

To Whom it May Concern:

Re: Character Reference— [Her name]

The purpose of this letter is to provide a character reference for Ms. [Her name] whom I have known as a colleague and friend for 20+ years.

I met [Her name] in the early 2000s when she joined  Public Broadcasting in [City/State]. I worked in the communications office and she worked in public radio. Before long, we were fast friends— and also actively involved in the local chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists. We attended local conferences, but also national conventions as travel buddies.

Since then, we both landed in places such as [States] metro where she resides today. That’s why I can speak sincerely about [Her name] character and integrity. As we have built our professional careers over the years, she still managed to maintain this friendship by calling frequently and visiting often. More so, she supported me in the best and worst of times as I raised my own kids, and later, took care of my ailing mother. Likewise, she knows my family & siblings and I know her family & siblings too. Indeed, I consider her more than a friend— she’s like a sister.

As a professional radio broadcaster, [Her name] is the consummate, dedicated and loyal professional. She works hard, and it shows. She has moved from smaller radio markets to a top market, like [name]. [Her name] wasn’t afraid of starting over in [...], a considerably smaller town than [...]— because it gave her a path to [State] and today, her own statewide public radio program. In this executive producer role, she’s earned great power and with that, great responsibility. But she regularly uses her privilege to speak up when necessary to support an inclusive and welcoming work community. She also sees the bigger picture of a home community and wholeheartedly gives back through mentorship, community service and hosting (master of ceremony) numerous local events in her spare time.

As my sister-friend, she is super smart, honest, witty, warm-hearted and especially trustworthy. I know she will keep my confidence. She will support my decisions and endeavors. She will have my back. Even more importantly, she honors her word. I would expect no less from this scholar, producer and exceptional communicator. Imagine 20 years? It’s not a small task because we’ve seen a lot of living. But that’s the key to her authenticity. She’s confident in herself and her abilities. She’s a person of faith. She exemplifies “family first.” She is living out her dreams.

Without a doubt, [Her name] character is beyond reproach. She’s special, one-of-a-kind, and it’s been an honor knowing her for most of my adult life.



October 3, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

The purpose of this letter is to provide character reference for [Her name], whom I have known for over 40 years.

[Her name] has always been a reliable big sister, who loves, cares for and is supportive of her family. She is passionate about giving back to her community and has done so through her church home, sorority organization and through her career as an on air radio personality. As long as I have known her, she has always carried herself with grace and humility.

I have known [Her name] to maintain a steady job since she was in high school and to be financially, emotionally and mentally stable. I do not see any issue that should impact her consideration for the adoption process, or her ability to raise and support a child.


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