Eating, Fishing, Keeping pets, Listening to music, Taking care of animals, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Cooking, Reading
Relationship Status
Single Parent
Type of Home
Type of neighbourhood
First Name
Last Name
United States
Eye Color
Hair Color
Bachelor’s degree
Social drinker
Eating, Fishing, Keeping pets, Listening to music, Taking care of animals, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Cooking, Reading
Do you have kids?
How many kids do you have?
How old are they?
Do they live with you?
Tell us about your children. What do they like to do for fun?

Resident Country
United States
Eye Color
Hair Color
Bachelor’s degree
Eating, Fishing, Keeping pets, Listening to music, Taking care of animals, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Cooking, Reading
Type of home
Type of Neighbourhood
Resident Country
Eye Color
Hair Color
Type of Home
Type of Neighbourhood
Cameron Dias
Animal or Pet
I can’t pick just one!
Bedtime story
Goodnight Moon
Beverage / Drink
Iced coffee
Harry Potter
Candy Bar
Childhood Memory
Swimming in my backyard so often with family and friends. It was the spot that we hosted every party and I was a fish!
Anything chocolate with ice cream
Disney Movie
The Little Mermaid
Stay at home Mom
Family Activity
Hosting a seafood boil with family
No Data
No Data
Reading or watching new tv series
No Data
No Data
To Be With You - Mr Big
Sport to play
Sport to watch
No Data
No Data
Sport to watch
NFL Sundays with my brother sharing season tickets and going to the games
NFL Sundays with my brother sharing season tickets and going to the games
Things to cook
Lasagna, fajitas or banana bread
TV show
Anything on Bravo
The Holiday
Cameron Dias
I can’t pick just one!
Bedtime story
Goodnight Moon
Beverage / Drink
Iced coffee
Harry Potter
Candy Bar
Childhood Memory
Swimming in my backyard so often with family and friends. It was the spot that we hosted every party and I was a fish!
Anything chocolate with ice cream
Disney Movie
The Little Mermaid
Dream Car
Dream Job
Stay at home Mom
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Hosting a seafood boil with family
Reading or watching new tv series
To Be With You - Mr Big
Sport to play
sport to Watch
Things to cook:
Lasagna, fajitas or banana bread
Favorite Traditions
NFL Sundays with my brother sharing season tickets and going to the games
TV show
Anything on Bravo
The Holiday
Bedtime story
Beverage / Drink
Candy Bar
Childhood Memory
Disney Movie
Dream Car
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Sport to play
sport to Watch
Things to cook:
Favorite Traditions
TV show
My name is [Her name], also known as Aunt [Her name] or Coco. I am a 40-year-old single dog mom that dreams of becoming a mother. It is nice to virtually meet you. Becoming a mother is one of my greatest hopes and dreams. I believe that I have a special talent with kids from working as a summer camp counselor for so many summers growing up. I felt like I could always get past the barriers of the children quickly and make them laugh and feel comfortable with me.
I started my official fertility journey in 2019 when I went in to get information about freezing my eggs and quickly realized that I couldn't afford it on my own. Then, all of the craziness of Covid took over the world… In 2021, I restarted and found out right away that I had hypothyroidism and low ovarian reserve. My Dr recommended starting with IVF. Low ovarian reserve was likely due to my age and if IVF was successful this would not hinder my body's ability to carry a healthy baby.
Have you ever met someone that takes on a mission and dives in head first? Well, just call me an Olympic fertility diver here because I dove right into everything fertility… I updated the vitamins that I was taking, I started eating healthier, due to my hypothyroidism I started eliminating gluten from my diet, I changed my personal products to products with less chemicals, I started getting fertility acupuncture treatments around IVF cycles to promote more circulation in my womb. I decided that if there was something that I could do to help the chances of having a baby that I would happily try it.
During my first IVF cycle while doing the stimulation shots as advised, I somehow messed up the timing of the trigger shot. Looking back, I don't know how on Earth I did this, but (as you already know) this entire process can be quite overwhelming. My Dr told me due to this error that my only option was trying an IUI. During the days after my IUI, I tried to remain positive and even started thinking and praying that maybe it was all God's plan for me to "mess up" the shot and get pregnant via IUI. How amazing would it be to be able to only spend $1,200 instead of $22,000++ and to finally be pregnant!?! Sadly, the IUI didn't work so I started my next IVF cycle right away. I was so upset with myself for such a silly error on shot timing and didn't want to waste anymore time. I don't have any fertility insurance so every procedure, appointment and medication was all out of pocket.
Round 2 of IVF began and due to my low ovarian reserve I only had 2 follicles long enough for egg retrieval. My Dr wanted to go ahead with the retrieval regardless - saying that it only takes 1. 1 follicle ended up being a cyst and the other follicle fertilized but didn't turn into a blastocyst.
I felt like I was back to square one. What am I doing wrong? Did I not give my fertility diet changes enough time to take effect? I was also frustrated with my Dr and fertility clinic because they weren't interested in changing any of my protocol or trying to figure out a root cause on why my cycle didn't work. There are only 2 fertility clinics in my immediate area so they aren't lacking for business or worried about losing a customer, sadly. I decided to take a stand and advocate for my own health and make some changes. (Yes, some more changes...)
I heard about a new special treatment that was only being done in certain states called Ovarian PRP. During this treatment the Drs take platelets from your blood and inject these platelets back into your ovaries. These clinics were having some luck in patients with increasing egg quality and stimulating more eggs. (Hey, what's another needle? We have to have some type of comic relief during these times) This clinic was out of state which made flights, a hotel room and someone to travel with me necessary to have the procedure. The effects of this procedure also only lasted 60-90 days so I would have to flow right into my 3rd IVF cycle. I did the PRP and then my new Dr wanted to do a different kind of IVF cycle called a Mini IVF. This mini used much less stimulation medication but took longer than the standard cycle. For my egg retrieval, I started with 4 possible follicles and ended everything with no embryos, again.
I knew that I couldn't do anymore to my body and to my spirit. I took some time off to treat myself, take a break (my last cycle ended in March 2023) and then find out about next steps with embryo adoption. Embryo Solution and this amazing embryo adoption program was such a great discovery. I am so blessed to take part in this program and be able to experience the miracle of life. I am happy to say that I am trying every single possibility to become a mother. What brought me to meeting you and your family was my persistence in knowing that I will become a mother and I won't stop until that dream comes true.
I am from a small family of 4 and we are very close. My older brother is 4 years older than me, which makes me the baby of the family. Even though my family is small, we are mighty. I also have a crew of friends that have been around so long that they have become family to me. All of "my people" are crazy excited, (crazy in a good way) and have been supporting me at each step in my fertility journey. They have been around for me for all steps in my different life journeys, but this is by far the most exciting one! Please know that even though I will be a "single" mother, my future baby will be loved and have the support of each and every one of "my people" too.
I grew up with my great grandmother, my grandmother and my mom all loving to cook for our family. Where I am from, we make eating an event and we are very passionate about it. I think it’s our way to show love, so we are always planning our next meal. Some of our traditions include gathering for holidays surrounded by good food and drinks. (I once talked my family into forgoing turkey and stuffing for Thanksgiving and boiling snow crabs instead, after all, it's not about the turkey, it's more about creating memories with your family.) We travel together for vacations, we fish together and my brother and I have season tickets for our local NFL team. We call those Sundays our "brother/sister time". (I never claimed that our NFL team is good, but we are local fans and it's always fun getting to spend time together) The biggest thing that I can also say about my family is that they are good as gold. There will always be an extra seat or 3 at our table and we are happy to have you. (and you'll never go hungry, but my waist line isn't always thrilled about that)
As a child, I was always the tallest girl (and taller than most of the boys) in my class. I did usually get "talks too much in class" on every report card (I had a lot to say). I also was very active and my favorite childhood memories are spending time outside in our backyard pool, swimming like a fish. After every baseball game, for every holiday and every summer my family would spend time in our backyard. I did gymnastics for many years as a child too, until I became literally too tall for the uneven parallel bars. (which is pretty funny looking back, you don't see any tall girls in the Olympics) I started playing basketball and volleyball in grammar school and continued with volleyball into high school - both for school and a travel club team. I loved the team dynamics that sports teach us and I will forever be grateful for my time learning about myself back then. My parents were amazing and made sacrifices for my brother and I to be able to join sports teams and make those priceless memories. I want to do the same thing for my child.
My college degree is a Bachelors in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Administration and I was the first of my family to ever graduate from a 4 year college. In college, I knew immediately that being in hospitality was what I wanted to do for a living. Hospitality is a huge part of the culture of my home town and it just came natural to me. I had worked in restaurants in college, but started my career as a front desk agent for one of the largest convention hotels in my city. I worked my way up from Front Desk Agent, to Sales Assistant to Sales Manager then moved to a different city as a Senior Sales Manager to stay with the same hotel brand. I always worked in convention hotels and my job was to win business with different companies/associations/organizations to host their meetings at my hotel. I would travel to different conferences and client events to meet with meeting planners and try to form relationships with them so that they would want to do business with me and my hotel. This business was competitive and being "the face" of the hotel could be exhausting, but I thrived in this environment. I did this for 16 years, up until Covid when I got furloughed and the hotel ended up eliminating my job position.
While I was searching for a new career, I unknowingly was also finding myself again. I say this because I started babysitting for a friend's small children and I fell so hard in love with these two little people (C, age 4.5 & T, age 2.5 at the time). I look back on that weird time for everyone in the world, due to Covid, and think that I helped "my babies" make some special childhood memories. They helped me too, by bringing me back to the magic of being a kid again and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. And oh my goodness, they made me laugh! C and T are also IVF babies so I had the chance to really talk with their mother about how long and hard their fertility journey was, but also how lucky they are. PS- I already booked C and T for future babysitting duties, so they are pretty excited too.
My dog mom duties are for my 12-year-old Boston Terrier, Scarlett and 7-year-old Pug, Lulu. These two small furry bundles of energy/joy ARE MY LIFE and I call them “my girls”. My love of dogs also helped me during Covid too when I was looking for a new full-time job, I started dogsitting. My business card says that I am a "dog whisperer/sitter" and my dogsitting “regulars” are cute, enjoy treats and love coming to my house for a doggy vacation. I guess my hotel experience came in handy. Even after finding a full time job that I love, I continue to dogsit to help pay for my fertility loan and hang out with my furry friends.
I am the Godmother and lovingly called Coco for my friend A and L's son, K. Coco is a good Godmother name, I think and I got to pick it, which was also exciting. I felt so honored to be asked by my friends to be the Godmother of their son, K. It might be “expected” to some people because they have multiple siblings that have chosen them to be the Godparent for their children, but my brother doesn’t have any children. I struck gold with K and I adore how his little mind works. My little man is 7 now and growing up so fast.
Never in a million years would I have imagined going through this journey as a single person, but I also cannot imagine living the rest of my life without becoming a mother. My parents also deserve a grand baby, they call my dogs their grand dogs and already affectionately refer to themselves as “Pee Paw” and “Mee Maw”. I am so blessed to have such a loving and supportive family, and I certainly do not take that for granted. I want the kind of relationship with my future baby that I have with my mother. We are very close and she has helped me to grow up to be the independent, loved and determined person that I am today. Like mother, like daughter could never be truer words. (okay, okay my mom still cooks much better than me)
I asked my friends and family (my army of support) to help “describe me” for this introduction. Here are a few words that they shared: accountable, brave, caring, compassionate, dependable, devoted, driven, energetic, empathetic, funny, giving, generous, hardworking, inspirational, kind, loved, loyal, magnetic, passionate, positive, patient, resourceful, reliable, resilient, sincere, strong, sweetheart, trustworthy, quick witted and witty. My mom started with relentless and I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of myself - kidding, of course. I have been secretly sitting back waiting for one of my joker friends to say something like, tall as my description and they wouldn't be wrong. They also said that I am sarcastic, but since that is a hard adjective to translate in just words without a back story, I am officially changing that to "spicy". It is so humbling to get such authentic feedback from your friends and family, but I am also confident in myself. I know that I will be a good mother, not because I am perfect, but because that little baby will have my whole heart and I will give motherhood my all.
Thank you for giving me the most precious opportunity.
Dear Potential Donor Family,
I am writing to provide a glowing letter of recommendation for my dear friend [Her name], in consideration for donor embryos to start her family. Although I have known her for 35+ years, we
reconnected at the beginning of the pandemic – she furloughed from her career, me needing a
nanny for my two children. After a brief phone call, she jumped right in at the chance to care
for my two kids, aged 18mos and four years old at the time, giving them her full attention for
up to nine hours daily Monday-Friday. Becoming a nanny extraordinaire required her to wear
many hats – virtual teacher for a PK-4 student, baby whisperer and caretaker for my little boy,
family chef, activity planner, etc. She approached every role and task with positivity, grace,
professionalism, and care. While we all navigated the “new normal” (thanks to the pandemic)
and settled in together for the next one and a half years, she fully embraced her responsibility
as caretaker, my kids thrived in her care and she blended seamlessly into our family unit.
She is the most loyal, responsible, thoughtful and loving human being. For the past three years,
I have witnessed her journey to motherhood, supportive of her desire to start her own family.
Empathetic to her long and winding road (IVF kids), she remains optimistic and determined on
her path. Her gentle yet firm nature, fun and spirited demeanor have gained her praise from
everyone who encounters her, especially her biggest fans, my kids. I am confident that she
would be the best mother and caregiver, creating the most loving, wholesome environment to
raise a child. With your generous support, you will deliver her the opportunity to continue on
her journey to motherhood.
Many thanks in advance for your consideration.
J, B, C & T
Dear Potential Donor Family,
You can rest easy knowing that your embryo will be donated to a loving home and family with
[Her name]. [Her name] has a strong support community with her family and friends. This baby would be the first grandchild in [Her name] family and he or she would come to know love, encouragement, and opportunity at the highest level.
[Her name] has been my best friend since high school and we recently celebrated our 40th birthdays
together. A true testament to her dedication to be a mother, [Her name] chose to sit out some of our
traditional celebrations so she could prepare to conceive through IVF. She made small sacrifices
like skipping out on a birthday at the nail salon or refraining from drinking any alcohol at
parties, all while hustling to pay for fertility treatments and making trips to see the
best of the best in fertility services. To her, every sacrifice, whether small or large, is worth it to
be a mom. Unfortunately, IVF did not work out for her. But that did not stop [Her name] drive to do
everything possible to welcome her baby. I admire her dedication and I am in awe of the strides
she endures to bring a baby to her family.
I am a mother of 2, a boy (age 5) and girl (age 2), that I conceived through IVF. I only know a
piece of that pain and struggle in trying to conceive as I was lucky to have 2 successful IVF
treatments on the first try. I do not take that for granted and give my full support, love and
prayers to [Her name] in her fertility journey.
[Her name] is a strong, successful woman who knows how to survive and thrive when times get
tough. Before Covid, [Her name] was on a very successful career path in hospitality and tourism,
breaking sales records at some of the top local hotel properties. As a result of Covid,
she lost her job in the hotel industry, but found a way to rebuild her life and financial stability.
There was never a doubt in her mind or mine that she would be okay. She hustled to make ends
meet and found her inner entrepreneur by creating her own dog sitting business. Then she
secured a stable, well paying job working with an association that affords her the opportunity
to work from home. I know [Her name] will dedicate her life to this child to make sure he or she will
be given ample opportunities to succeed in life.
One word to describe [Her name] . . . GIVING. It comes naturally to her. [Her name] always makes you feel
special with how thoughtful she is with her words and actions. As a mother myself, I know how
important that trait can be in raising children. [Her name] has so much to give this child. I hope and
pray that you consider giving her this gift of life.
Thank you,
Dear Embryo Solutions Family,
I am writing this letter in support of my dear friend, [Her name].
This is the easiest letter I have ever written and the hardest at the very same time. It’s easy because [Her name] is the most loving, loyal, supportive person I know and would easily make a wonderful mother. She has been preparing for years. She has patiently and painstakingly waited for God to make it her time to become a mother. She has stayed positive, when I know others would be discouraged to say the least.
It’s one of the hardest letters I’ve ever written because I’m not quite sure one letter can adequately describe just how amazing she is! (I could write a short novel!). And when I reminisce on our friendship, I realize just how grateful I am for the kind of friend she is to me. But it’s not just me, she truly is the friend that goes above and beyond for everyone she loves.
[Her name] and I have been friends since our sophomore year in highschool - 25 years and counting!
When I think about the funniest and the absolute worst times in my life, [Her name] has been there! Confused? Let me explain...
[Her name] is witty beyond words and has a knack for making everyone in the room feel comfortable with laughter. But in the worst times, she’s also always there holding my hand (and trying to keep everyone smiling) as well. From our young years of high school breakups to college “mishaps”, to emergency room visits, to calling my parents in the middle of the night bedside in my sister’s hospital room, to our children’s birthdays, to being the very first person to show up when our home is destroyed by a hurricane and my family had been in a terrible accident. (With lasagna, gifts and other necessities too!) She is always there. She is solid, she is genuine, she is loving and she is loyal, she is considerate and she is always, always making others a priority.
[Her name] has also been through rough times herself. She is her family’s rock. She never turns her back, she never takes the easy way out, she is always there! She is independent and works hard for everything she has. Lord knows she has been working overtime in search of solutions for how she will become a mother. No amount of work or money has curbed her absolute determination to stay the course and continue to pursue motherhood. I am in awe of her commitment and desire.
Any family would be lucky to have the peace of mind of knowing that their embryo was being given to [Her name]. Any family would benefit by sharing a connection to her. And above all, a child would be blessed to have [Her name] as his or her mother. And I assure you, [Her name] and her child would be surrounded by an abundance of love and support from all of family and friends who she has always loved and supported to consistently and dearly.
Thank you for the opportunity to share and for taking the time to learn about [Her name]. And thank you for having an organization like this so that my beautiful friend has a beautiful chance at starting her beautiful family.