Beauty and hair care, Gardening, Reading, Going to church/temple, Listening to music, Playing an instrument, Sewing/knitting, Singing, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Eating, Using a computer
Relationship Status
Single Parent
Type of Home
Type of neighbourhood
First Name
Last Name
Eye Color
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Bachelor’s degree
Social drinker
Beauty and hair care, Gardening, Reading, Going to church/temple, Listening to music, Playing an instrument, Sewing/knitting, Singing, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Eating, Using a computer
Do you have kids?
How many kids do you have?
How old are they?
Do they live with you?
Tell us about your children. What do they like to do for fun?
I have a 2.5 year old daughter through a sperm donor from a cryobank. She is always on the move! We love to dance and sing together. For Christmas, she just received a play kitchen and a grocery cart with food, so we have been spending a lot of time "cooking" and serving different creations. I enjoy making things for her, like sensory bins with rainbow rice or a cardboard house I created from a large furniture box. She has her own watering can and gardening set, so she spends time with me outside while I'm tending to plants. We are close to my family, so we often spend time with my mom (her grammy) and my sister, who has a daughter who is only 4 months younger than my daughter. Making up silly games and playing with my daughter and my niece is really fun; my daughter loves spending time with her cousin. Additionally I love taking my daughter out for new experiences. Recently we visited a couple of zoo/botanical gardens with family and friends. There are also some nice children's museums and discovery play places within an hour's drive and she enjoys those as well.

Resident Country
Eye Color
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Bachelor’s degree
Beauty and hair care, Gardening, Reading, Going to church/temple, Listening to music, Playing an instrument, Sewing/knitting, Singing, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Eating, Using a computer
Type of home
Type of Neighbourhood
Resident Country
Eye Color
Hair Color
Type of Home
Type of Neighbourhood
Animal or Pet
I'm definitely a cat person. I love their independence, their personalities and their cute little faces.
Bedtime story
Beverage / Drink
Water with lemon. Or lemonade mixed with water so it's not too sweet
Can't choose just one! I have a whole bookshelf full of books and so does my daughter
Candy Bar
100 Grand. Or just a good plain Hershey bar - no nuts!
Childhood Memory
Spending time with my family - vacations, Friday night dinners out, playing/swimming in our backyard
Turquoise, silver, gold, white
Chocolate chip cookies
Disney Movie
Pirates of the Caribbean
Family Activity
Taking day trips to nature centers, farms, amusement parks, discovery centers, the beach
Del Taco
I love all flowers and grow different varieties. Bright colors feel happy and welcoming.
No Data
No Data
Making crafts, laughing at funny reels on Instagram
No Data
No Data
Halloween. I love dressing up in costumes and decorating the outside and inside of my house
Too many to count! I grew up singing and playing the piano and love all varieties of music
Sport to play
Unfortunately I'm pretty uncoordinated when it comes to organized sports. I took dance lessons for many years and enjoy tap, ballet and jazz. I also took singing lessons and was a female vocalist in my church worship band for about 6 years.
Sport to watch
No Data
No Data
Sport to watch
Baseball. I also like watching the Olympics. And my coworkers are into F1 racing so I've had it on my list to watch a documentary series about F1.
Decorating the house for holidays, baking birthday cakes and Christmas cookies, taking summer vacations, displaying photos around the house, reading together, going to baseball games, singing songs together, eating meals together, making crafts
Decorating the house for holidays, baking birthday cakes and Christmas cookies, taking summer vacations, displaying photos around the house, reading together, going to baseball games, singing songs together, eating meals together, making crafts
Things to cook
Soups; I also love to bake cookies and cakes
TV show
No favorites but I like shows that are funny and light-hearted
I'm definitely a cat person. I love their independence, their personalities and their cute little faces.
Bedtime story
Beverage / Drink
Water with lemon. Or lemonade mixed with water so it's not too sweet
Can't choose just one! I have a whole bookshelf full of books and so does my daughter
Candy Bar
100 Grand. Or just a good plain Hershey bar - no nuts!
Childhood Memory
Spending time with my family - vacations, Friday night dinners out, playing/swimming in our backyard
Turquoise, silver, gold, white
Chocolate chip cookies
Disney Movie
Pirates of the Caribbean
Dream Car
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Egypt/Israel. I had a 16-day tour booked in 2020 and had to cancel it due to covid.
Family Activity
Taking day trips to nature centers, farms, amusement parks, discovery centers, the beach
Del Taco
I love all flowers and grow different varieties. Bright colors feel happy and welcoming.
Making crafts, laughing at funny reels on Instagram
Halloween. I love dressing up in costumes and decorating the outside and inside of my house
Too many to count! I grew up singing and playing the piano and love all varieties of music
Sport to play
Unfortunately I'm pretty uncoordinated when it comes to organized sports. I took dance lessons for many years and enjoy tap, ballet and jazz. I also took singing lessons and was a female vocalist in my church worship band for about 6 years.
sport to Watch
Baseball. I also like watching the Olympics. And my coworkers are into F1 racing so I've had it on my list to watch a documentary series about F1.
Things to cook:
Soups; I also love to bake cookies and cakes
Favorite Traditions
Decorating the house for holidays, baking birthday cakes and Christmas cookies, taking summer vacations, displaying photos around the house, reading together, going to baseball games, singing songs together, eating meals together, making crafts
TV show
No favorites but I like shows that are funny and light-hearted
Bedtime story
Beverage / Drink
Candy Bar
Childhood Memory
Disney Movie
Dream Car
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Sport to play
sport to Watch
Things to cook:
Favorite Traditions
TV show
Dear Family,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about me and consider my request. This opportunity to grow my family means the world to me, and I’ve put a lot of thought into what the next steps will look like.
I grew up in a close-knit family with my younger sister and two loving parents, both elementary school teachers. My dad passed away 10 years ago, but my mom, sister, and I remain very close. We all live within an hour of each other and see each other often, especially now that both my sister and I have children.
Having been around children my entire life—whether growing up with my sister or babysitting as a teenager—I’ve always known I wanted to have a family of my own. I started my first babysitting business when I was 13, spent time in my parents’ classrooms, and even tutored a 4th-grade class during college. Being around kids has shaped my love for them, and it’s something I carry into my adult life.
I was also raised to know financial responsibility. When I was younger, after babysitting, I’d give a portion of my earnings to my dad, who would save it and invest it for me. In my late teens, he showed me how saving for my future had begun to pay off - my retirement account was already funded and growing thanks to my babysitting money — something I’m incredibly grateful for. I’ve continued those savings practices throughout my life, which ultimately allowed me to purchase my first home in 2020. I hope to pass those practices on to my kids, as well.
Becoming a parent has always been something I envisioned for myself. I’ve had several long-term relationships, but I didn’t find the right one for marriage. At 40, I knew time was running out, so I began exploring my options for having children, including fertility methods, fostering and adoption. After consultations with my doctor, I attempted intrauterine insemination (IUI) and I was blessed with my beautiful 2.5-year-old daughter. She brings me true joy every day.
About a year ago, I began thinking about expanding our family. I tried several more rounds of IUIs, the first of which ended in miscarriage. Subsequent attempts weren’t successful. After consulting with a fertility clinic, I learned that my age (44) made it unlikely that IVF would work with my own eggs. While I could still pursue IVF or seek other opinions, I’ve decided that it might be more time- and cost-effective to explore other options, like embryo donation.
I’ve been researching embryo donation programs and came across Embryo Solution. I’m seeking a semi-open or slightly closed donation because I believe it’s important for a child to have access to their genetic history and to also have a say in what future connections look like with their genetic family. My daughter’s sperm donor is open ID at age 18, and I want the same opportunity for any future children.
Though it has been a bit sad to find that my eggs aren't viable, my love for children is far greater than any of that. My daughter brings so much happiness to my life, and I would love to provide her with a sibling (or even maybe 2 siblings, depending on how things go in the future). I’ve also looked into adoption and fostering once again, but the idea of being able to carry the child from the beginning is incredibly meaningful to me.
My daughter and I live a very happy, stable life. I’ve worked in local government for the past 7.5 years, and I really enjoy my career. My daughter attends a home-based daycare just a few minutes from my work, where she’s thriving—learning new things every day and growing her skills. On weekends, we spend time together, doing everything from household chores (she loves loading the dryer, taking silverware out of the dishwasher and watering our plants) to making crafts to visiting family. We have great conversations while grocery shopping for bacon and eggs, her favorite Saturday morning breakfast. We also have a strong faith, and at night, we pray together, giving thanks for everything we have.
I’m so excited at the prospect of welcoming another child into our family. I can’t wait to expand our happiness and create new traditions as a family of three instead of two.
Thank you again for considering me as a potential recipient for your embryos. I would give any child the love, stability, and happiness they deserve.
Your potential recipient mom
I am writing this letter to give you some background in reference to my daughter who is desiring an embryo donation.
My daughter comes from a loving Christian family in which both parents were educators. She has one younger sister. As a youngster, my daughter was a bright student who was talented in writing and, for extracurricular activities, pursued musical interests including playing the piano, dance, and singing. She was a great big sister, making up fun imaginary games that provided hours of entertainment for her sibling. As a teenager, she enjoyed church activities including singing in the youth choir and working in vacation Bible school, school activities such as editing the school yearbook, and was a very popular and sought after babysitter for children of all ages in our community.
As an adult, my daughter graduated from college with honors, earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration. In the years following college, she has worked hard to establish a safe and secure lifestyle within her career while still being able to enjoy traveling and activities with friends and family.
Two years ago, she gave birth to a precious baby girl thanks to a sperm donor and IUI, fulfilling her dream of becoming a mother. This little one has filled all of our lives with such happiness as we watch her grow. My daughter has become an exemplary mother, loving, nurturing, and caring for this beautiful child. She provides her with all of the necessities, but most of all, she gives her unconditional love through her actions, words, and emotions.
My younger daughter gave birth to a little girl just four months after her sister, so these two cousins are reveling in their toddler-hood, becoming fast friends and bringing their parents (and grandparents) unending joy.
My daughter truly believes that motherhood is a God-given gift. Unfortunately, she has been unable to conceive with her own eggs again. This is why she is seeking a way to grow her family in as natural a way as possible. She wants her daughter to experience the pleasure of having a sibling with whom to share her life. She would love to be a blessing to your embryos, giving this child the gift of life. I can assure you that this child would be so welcomed and loved in our family and we would all be forever grateful for the gift of this donation.
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend my sister as a prospective parent for embryo adoption. She is already the proud mother of a happy 2-year-old girl, and I have witnessed firsthand her outstanding parenting skills. She provides a nurturing, stable, and loving environment for her child, ensuring that she feels secure, supported, and deeply loved.
As a parent, my sister is patient, thoughtful, and attentive to every need, with a firm but tender strictness. I have no doubt that she would extend the same care and devotion to her future child.
As a family, we are fully supportive of her in her decision to pursue this path, and we stand ready to assist her every step of the way, however needed. We are a close family, and our home is filled with love, laughter, and strong bonds. Though seven years apart, I have nothing but fond memories of my sister and my childhood together; she is a wonderful big sister, and this has translated tenfold into her becoming an even more amazing mother.
My husband and I now also have a 2-year-old daughter and we all enjoy getting the whole family together often, sometimes for fun outings like the zoo or museum, and other times just for playdates at home or the park. It brings us so much joy to see the cousins growing up together. We cherish being a part of their lives and would very much welcome the opportunity to have a new niece or nephew to add to our small bunch.
My sister has always shown a deep commitment to family and the well-being of others. She has a nurturing spirit and a strong desire to give a child the love and care they deserve. I am confident that her home is the perfect place for any child to grow and thrive. I strongly recommend her for embryo adoption, and I am excited about the possibility of her expanding her family in this meaningful way.
Thank you for your consideration.
To Whom it May Concern:
I’m writing this letter to tell you a little bit about my friend and coworker of over 7 years. Throughout that time, I have gotten to know her and watched her grow and accomplish so much like buying a home, promoting several times, and becoming a first-time mom. She has always been someone responsible, disciplined with her finances and goals, and joyful. I have watched her tackle anything life throws her way with a level of maturity, centered in faith that is admirable.
She is always ready to lend a hand, or ear, to support those around her. Prior to having her own child, she was always up for an adventure and so kind to my first born. She later supported me through the pregnancy and birth of my second baby and then I was given the privilege of seeing her glow through the pregnancy and birth of her first. Now our daughters are in the same home-based daycare, building their own bonds and friendships.
She has a stable job in government, her own home and a strong network of family and friends. This balance allows her the flexibility to be there and support her daughter financially and emotionally. She can be home when she needs to, and she has a secure network to support her when she’s at work. She and her daughter enjoy being involved in community events and exploring new places together. And she is still up for adventures with our growing girl crew.
I’d love to see her expand her family. I see the love and care she has for not only her own daughter but even her niece, or my own daughters.
She is a dependable, mature and responsible person - always willing to go above and beyond for her family and friends.
Thank you.