Camping, Reading, Hiking, Visiting with friends, Working out/exercising, Bicycling, Being a leader of a group, Cooking, Sewing/knitting, Watching TV or movies, Belonging to a club, Eating, Gardening
Relationship Status
Single Parent
Spiritual but not religious
Type of Home
Type of neighbourhood
First Name
Last Name
United States
25561 Indian Hill Ln, Unit W, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Eye Color
Hair Color
Light Brown
Bachelor’s degree
Social drinker
Camping, Reading, Hiking, Visiting with friends, Working out/exercising, Bicycling, Being a leader of a group, Cooking, Sewing/knitting, Watching TV or movies, Belonging to a club, Eating, Gardening
Do you have kids?
How many kids do you have?
How old are they?
Do they live with you?
Tell us about your children. What do they like to do for fun?

Resident Country
United States
25561 Indian Hill Ln, Unit W, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Eye Color
Hair Color
Light Brown
Bachelor’s degree
Camping, Reading, Hiking, Visiting with friends, Working out/exercising, Bicycling, Being a leader of a group, Cooking, Sewing/knitting, Watching TV or movies, Belonging to a club, Eating, Gardening
Spiritual but not religious
Type of home
Type of Neighbourhood
Resident Country
Eye Color
Hair Color
Type of Home
Type of Neighbourhood
Natalie Portman
Animal or Pet
So many good ones to choose from!
Bedtime story
Beverage / Drink
Chai tea
Twilight - It is the one that got me hooked on readying!
Candy Bar
Childhood Memory
Talking to my mom while she cooked in the kitchen. My parents have these stools at a breakfast bar, so many times I sat there while my mom made dinner or prepared for a party. I have such a strong connecting to food and cooking because of it. Both my mom and grandma, their way for love was through food.
Purple! I might be slightly obsessed but found that most purple lovers are. :-)
Creme brulee. I still remember the first time I had it on the Disney Cruise with my mom, her best friend and my boyfriend for my 21st birthday. My mom worked at Disney for 20 years, so I was a lucky child who has many good Disney memories we got to do for free.
Disney Movie
I love my job now and I have had various careers over the years. I have done everything I have ever wanted to do, so not sure I have a dream job because I have done them. :-)
Family Activity
I try not to eat fast food but if I had to pick chick-fil-a even though I am vegetarian. haha. I love the mini yeast roles with the honey butter on top.
No Data
No Data
I love hiking.
No Data
No Data
Thanksgiving! It is solely about food and being grateful, the perfect holiday in my book.
Crash by Dave Matthews
Sport to play
Right now, pickle ball.
Sport to watch
No Data
No Data
Sport to watch
Maybe about 15 years ago my mom started us playing Christmas Bingo. Everyone brings a gift for the prize instead of buying each other presents. It has turned into such a fun tradition.
Maybe about 15 years ago my mom started us playing Christmas Bingo. Everyone brings a gift for the prize instead of buying each other presents. It has turned into such a fun tradition.
Things to cook
Again so many things to choose from but if I had to pick I love to bake.
TV show
Beautiful Girls
Natalie Portman
So many good ones to choose from!
Bedtime story
Beverage / Drink
Chai tea
Twilight - It is the one that got me hooked on readying!
Candy Bar
Childhood Memory
Talking to my mom while she cooked in the kitchen. My parents have these stools at a breakfast bar, so many times I sat there while my mom made dinner or prepared for a party. I have such a strong connecting to food and cooking because of it. Both my mom and grandma, their way for love was through food.
Purple! I might be slightly obsessed but found that most purple lovers are. :-)
Creme brulee. I still remember the first time I had it on the Disney Cruise with my mom, her best friend and my boyfriend for my 21st birthday. My mom worked at Disney for 20 years, so I was a lucky child who has many good Disney memories we got to do for free.
Disney Movie
Dream Car
Dream Job
I love my job now and I have had various careers over the years. I have done everything I have ever wanted to do, so not sure I have a dream job because I have done them. :-)
Dream Vacation
Hard to pick because I travel a lot. I do always have my next destination on my list though. Right now next on the list is Japan.
Family Activity
I try not to eat fast food but if I had to pick chick-fil-a even though I am vegetarian. haha. I love the mini yeast roles with the honey butter on top.
I love hiking.
Thanksgiving! It is solely about food and being grateful, the perfect holiday in my book.
Crash by Dave Matthews
Sport to play
Right now, pickle ball.
sport to Watch
Things to cook:
Again so many things to choose from but if I had to pick I love to bake.
Favorite Traditions
Maybe about 15 years ago my mom started us playing Christmas Bingo. Everyone brings a gift for the prize instead of buying each other presents. It has turned into such a fun tradition.
TV show
Beautiful Girls
Bedtime story
Beverage / Drink
Candy Bar
Childhood Memory
Disney Movie
Dream Car
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Sport to play
sport to Watch
Things to cook:
Favorite Traditions
TV show
To Doners,
Thank you for considering donation. I believe this is a wonderful option, that I too would do if I had extra embryos. Let me start with talking about how I came to embryo donation. My mom had me a week after her 19thbirthday, so I always knew from a young age I wanted to wait to have children until I was mature and ready. When I was in college and after, I met several women who conceived naturally in their early 40s, therefore, I believed I had the time to wait. I went to a fertility doctor in my early 40s to discover I only had 5 follicles left. After delays, starting/stopping, canceled cycles, I finally made it to an egg retrieval. I retrieved 3 mature eggs, 2 immature and ended up with 1-5AA embryo. I was 2 months away from turning 44 at the time of the egg retrieval. I did not do genetic testing since I only had 1 embryo. After that failed transfer, I immediately went to donor eggs. At the time I had a partner, we were using sperm donation as well as, since we were unsure if one of his medical conditions was genetic. In my search for egg doners, I came across embryo donation. I absolutely fell in love with the idea. I loved my initial 5 embryos even before they grew and couldn’t bare the thought of discarding them or donating to research. When I first read about embryo donation, I thought, what a wonderful alternative and a way to give these embryos a chance at life. At the time, however, my partner did not like the idea of an identical sibling being out in the world. I ended up purchasing frozen donor eggs and frozen donor sperm. From these donors, I ended up with 2 embryos (2AB and 2CC). Unfortunately, both were failed transfers and my partner also decided he did not want to continue to have a child. I, however, still very much wanted a child and family. Now on my own, I want to revisit embryo donation. I love the idea of my child having siblings in the world and possible extended family, especially since I am an older mom. My stepdad raised me with my mom and many of my friends have become my family over the years, so I am a big believer in what makes family is being there and love.
When I started my journey to motherhood, my counselor had me do an activity where I wrote down what I would want to teach my child. Through all of my experiences I have learned to be driven, humble, vulnerable, caring and kind. I want to pass onto my child all the things I have learned from growing up, maturing and all my various adventures. I want to share with them all the beauty and wonder in this world. To teach them to be a kind human, understanding, accepting and gentle with our Earth. You can go about your life from day to day being happy and joyful but the thing that really makes it all worthwhile is being able to share it and pass it on to someone else. Being able to teach, mold and help grow another human being is the best love you can experience. I am looking forward to becoming a mother to my spirt baby. I don’t know how my spirt baby and I will be meet but truly hoping it will be through embryo donation.
A little about myself, I’m a licensed Engineer and the manager of our department. I love camping, hiking, off roading, cooking, reading and traveling. I have had many adventures over the years both in the States and outside. I live in a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo in a beautiful place that is perfect size for me and a little one. I also, own a second condo in Florida, where I grew up, right next to Disney. Since I work from home, I typically spend a month at a time in Florida visiting with friends and family. I am looking forward to sharing the experience of Disney with my child as I got to enjoy it as a kid.
It is really hard to express yourself through words or photos, so if you would like to get to know me more, I am open to Embryo Solutions facilitating a virtual meeting. I am open to closed, semi-open or open embryo donation. The most important thing to me is my child can find out any information they would like about their genetics or their siblings when they turn 18. That was also important to me when picking egg and sperm donors. I did not want to make the decision for my child but rather gave them the opportunity to find out whatever they wanted to know. I also plan on being open with my child how they came to this Earth and into my life. I believe honesty fosters love, understanding and acceptance. My ultimate goal is to give a loving, happy, supportive environment to my child to grow, learn and excel in this world.
Hopefully, we share the same beliefs in fostering happy, healthy children and you select me to donate your embryos to. I want to honor the time, money, energy and love you all put into creating them by giving them a wonderful chance at life.
To Whom it May Concern,
I am writing this letter in support of the intended mother and her heartfelt decision to pursue
embryo adoption. As someone who has known her for over 30 years, I can attest to her
unwavering commitment to creating a loving and nurturing family environment.
I know this person to be an extremely kind, patient and determined woman, whom I believe to be
well-prepared for parenthood. She consistently strives for success in both her personal and
professional life. Her dedication to this process and the personal growth she has achieved along
the way is truly commendable.
I have witnessed firsthand the depth of this intended mother’s desire to become a parent and her
willingness to embrace all aspects of the journey, including the challenges and joys that come
with raising a child. Her decision to pursue motherhood reflects her open-hearted approach to
welcoming a new life, and providing a loving home for a child who deserves it.
When I was asked to write this letter, I was truly honored, as it gave me the opportunity to reflect
on our years together, the wonderful times we have shared, and the impact her character, values,
and love for life have had on the way that I raise my own child. I am not the exception; If you
look deeper into her life, you will find a tribe of amazing people she has built and maintained
strong and loving relationships with for years and years.
I believe with all my heart that she will provide a nurturing and encouraging environment for her
future child. It is through happy tears that I write this, imagining her as a mother and picturing all
the love and support she will provide. I have no doubt that she will approach parenthood with
the same level of care, commitment and love she shows in all her relationships.
I strongly recommend the intended mother for embryo adoption without hesitation. She has my
full support and confidence as she embarks on this journey towards parenthood.
To Whom It May Concern:
I met the intended mother a few years ago during a time in my life when I truly needed a friend.
We started talking and I quickly felt a sense of comfort.
We met for the second time during the Christmas holiday, and she offered to pay for my dinner.
I remember telling her “No girlfriend has offered to pay for my dinner before” (we women usually split the tab) :-).
She told me she wanted to spread the holiday joy and wanted to do something nice because she felt blessed with her life.
In that moment I felt her warmth and her generosity towards someone who still was pretty much a stranger.
Throughout the years as I have gotten to know her better, I have seen her love for life and how she strives to take each moment with gratitude and joy.
I see how she cares for her garden with calmness.
I see her joy of crocheting and creating beautiful things.
I see her dedication to her job and how she leads her team of colleagues to success, and I saw her selflessly care for her ailing grandmother with patience and perseverance.
I know she will bring that same love and dedication to any child she is blessed with.
I see her live her life guided by intelligence, grit, honesty, love, and warmth.
I see how deeply she desires to share her life with a child and I know she will be a wonderful mother and a role model.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts about the intended mother.
To Whom It May Concern,
When Intended Mother told me she was ready to start a family, I was so excited for her. I have known her since we were 11 years old. She had invited me over for birthdays and special occasions when my family was not around. She was always so thoughtful and went out of her way to make sure everyone had fun and felt welcomed. After college, we were roommates beginning our career journey. I could not believe how my friend who could barely boil water, was now catering full holiday feasts. She grew up to be an exceptional person.
I am fortunate to have a child, and I feel that they truly are a special gift. My child is especially shy; however, Intended Mother is so patient and caring when they spend time together. My child never wants Intended Mother to leave when she visits. If anything happened to me and my spouse, I know that Intended Mother would be the perfect guardian for my child. We agreed that if anything happened to the Intended Mother, my husband and I would raise her child.
I was thinking about what I would want to know about someone if I was in the position to be a donor. I would want to know if the person had ever been around infants before, because being around a small child Is different than spending every day and night with an infant. I am happy to say that Intended Mother has been around and cared for babies and children of all ages and understands the needs at each milestone.
I would like to know if the person would love this child. I remember how amazing it felt to be pregnant, and the excitement of feeling the first flutters and kicks. I remember crying the first time I could recognize the baby in the sonogram pictures. I loved my child so much before we met. I am not sure if I can adequately put into words how much love I felt the day my child was born. My child is now older, and now boundaries are being tested, even on their worst days, I still love them so much more than they will ever know. I want my friend the Intended Mother to experience that type of joy. She is so smart, loving, caring, generous, funny, and strong. I know Intended Mother will cherish her child. She understands that raising a child is hard work and exhausting but worth every second of it.
I have seen many examples of people who have children for the wrong reasons or are not able to properly care for a child. I know that the Intended Mother would be a perfect candidate to receive this donation because she is highly educated, financially stable of good moral character, and has a strong support network.
I truly hope that you select the Intended Mother to receive your donation. She will be an exceptional mother, and she will do everything in her power to make sure the child feels loved, protected, and supported.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
A Best Friend